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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Girl gets slapped on Turkish TV!

I saw this video and laughed because I know how to speak Turkish and understand the commentary. Let me Translate it for you.
Man: ha ha ha
Woman1: how dare you? (hits with pillow) You ass hole! (throws water)
Man: Bitch, what the fcuk is wrong with you? You dont throw no damn water on me, Im a muthafcukin pimp! (backhands her)
Woman1: OMG, I cant believe you just did that on Turkish TV.
Man: (Talking over woman) You must have lost your feeble ass mind to go and throw water on me trying to embarass me. Simple minded ass nin-com-poop!
Woman2: Sir that was totally unacceptable, i cant believe that you would hit a woman on my show!
Woman1: (Crying in background)
Man: (Talking over woman2) Hold up, Hold up, who the fcuk do you think you talking to like that? She brought this on herself, she need to learn to take a joke. And you need to sit your ass back down before I slap the shit out of you like i just did this broad.
Woman2: You will not lay a hand on me mister, I'll call security!
Man: Aint no need for all that, Ive got warrants, but you do need to sit the fcuk down and talk to me with some respect.
Woman1: I just dont know how he could do this to me, he said he loved me and he wouldnt hit me again. Im so embarrased, my mother was watching and now i have to live with the same of being smacked on tv.
Commentator: To complete the filming of the show, we had to seperate them, and we were able to salvage the rest of the segment. After the show, the gentleman was all smiles because he realized all his pimp friends were going to see how strong his pimp hand really is. He had this to say!
Man: Pimps do what they want to do, hoes do what they told, and a square does what he can!


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