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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Joy Daily Disses Wale's video for Pretty GIrls (Hater Alert)

Honestly I dont see what her problem is. I saw the video, and the girls in it are alright by me (2 Thumbs Up). Granted that is a stamp of approval from a guy who learned a great life lesson from my Uncle Mav (R.I.P.) when i was 8. He is quoted as saying "Light skinned girls are crazy and dark skinned girls are bad luck; you can fight crazy, but you cant do shit about bad luck"! Very few 8 years olds are blessed with that kind of knowledge, so I consider myself to be very lucky. If you are a woman who takes offense to this message, so what, your feeling are not really my priority. Besides the name of this blog is My Point of View (Please continue reading)! BLSF :)

Peep Wale's video for Pretty Girls


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