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Monday, March 1, 2010

Vagazzle your Va-jay-jay!

I guess this is what it looks like when Lil' Wayne and Paul Wall get done eating a box lunch!  I wonder how many ladies will actually go and get Vagazzled? (Provide visual evidence please)

So how exactly does a lady get her business Vajazzled? It’s a 2-step process involving some pretty high-tech wax, and then some pretty fabulous Swarovski crystals. But before any crystallization can occur, the entire region gets waxed. Although I was initially scared of the head-of-vaj-waxing, Jill, she turned out to be more like a pleasant cheerleader than anything else. She would chant funny little things like “spread ‘em, I can tell this is going to be easy for you!” and “aww, c’mon, this is gonna be great by the time you’re all done Vajazzling!” And it was true, her positive outlook on the status of my crotch really helped the experience to be relatively pain-free. On to the crystals!

I felt like I was in a doctor’s office. Everything was crisp, clean, white, and sterile. I got a 2 or 3 minute break after my wax to “relax and get ready” for the actual Vajazzling. I laid back on the table (obviously pantless), and Jill prepped my area with a mild cleansing solution to rid the region of any remaining wax. Then came little sheets of real Swarovski crystals that she heated in the palms of her hands for a few seconds before applying to my freshly waxed skin. The bottom of each sheet of crystals has a strong adhesive material that’s completely invisible to the naked eye. Larger areas of crystals are applied directly from a sheet, while more design-specific crystals are painstakingly applied by a tweezer on an individual basis.

After all the crystals were applied, Jill used her hand to seal a little more heat into the adhesive. She assured me that they’re pretty strong, and that Completely Bare guarantees their Vajazzles for 5 days. When she reminded me not to engage in any “vigorous activity for at least the first day” I couldn’t help but laugh to myself… vigorous activity? I should be so lucky.

I left the spa feeling like a new woman. I had a little spring in my step and couldn’t help but think that I would actually do this on a semi-regular basis if I had a man in my life. Why not? Until then, I can keep the solo party going around my disco ball of a crotch. I don’t think I’ll be bringing a photographer and film crew next time though, that was just plain bizarre.[SOURCE]


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