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Thursday, December 31, 2009

Caffinated Condoms?

I know thousands of women hope this one is true. According to Flash News, Swedish condom makers Aktiebolaget are gearing up to introduce a new line of prophylactics to men across the globe. These rubbers, in addition to keeping the swimmers from getting lose, also promise to keep the little soldiers wide awake for round two (or three…or four…).

Condom distribution company will begin doling out the caffeinated condoms within the next few months in North America. So you may be wondering how these little numbers work. Well apparently, once the condom is slipped on, caffeine from the rubber’s lubricant is absorbed into the guy’s skin. The strapped fella will begin to feel a burst of energy within a few minutes.

Jeff Weiss of recommends wrapping your member in the caffeinated condom before you do the deed (during foreplay) to allow the caffeine to be absorbed into the body. However, regardless of when you put on this energized sheath it should still give you an instant pick-me-up.

What ever happened to drinking a Red Bull or popping some Horny Goat Weed?


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